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Campus Life: Experiencing NEIU through the screen

Mar 5, 2021

Anusha Manahil

School of Governance and Society, UMT

Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), Chicago USA

Category: Public Administration

Anusha Manahail shares her student exchange experience at at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), Chicago USA for spring 2021 session.

Working across time zones is a hazard to health—sleep deprivation, a detrimental intake of coffee and, of course, accumulation of bags under the eyes. Though on one hand applications like Zoom and discord bring the world together, on another, it also might be rendering a great amount of stress. Getting into a university of my choice was like a dream come true only to become a nightmare when the semester started.
Spared the commotion of traveling, settling and overcoming jet lag by the pandemic, conditions created by the pandemic introduced me to a whole new world. In this brave new world, the first thing I had to do was generate an account on the university’s website, a simple task that could be overcome single-handedly with a click.
‘How to make a d2l?’ ‘How to make an account on an academic website?’ were words I searched on Google, videos I watched on YouTube and questions I asked on various websites. After a long day of research and furrowed eyebrows, my account was finally created. The first task being done, another came into my view: a class schedule with timings that had to be matched with my time zone

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